Sunday, February 21, 2016


“Brevity is the soul of wit.”  Thanks Shakespeare for making me feel like shit, again.

One thing I realize when I write is that I have a difficult time editing my own pieces.  Paring it down.  Shaving off the excess.  Self-awareness can be a real bummer.  Basically I’d rather self-administer a waterboarding than re-read my posts. 

sculpture by Frank Kovalchek
Saw this is the NOMA sculpture garden yesterday.  I got lots to say....
Words can be my albatross.  So yeah, this blog will have some loquacious rambling.  Forgive me in advance for not always having time to trim the fat.  But, the thing about writing from my kitchen table is that no one is around to proof, except my dog.  Reading, amongst other things, is not his forte.  Sometimes I just need to get it out.  I’ll have someone else proof before the book is published.

Katherine, out. (mic. drop)

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